Easter Sunday



I’ve always loved Easter. I loved dyeing eggs, and waking to find a basket of candy with a huge chocolate bunny at the end of my bed. I have vivid memories of being at my grandparents in Sewickley, PA, and getting up before my younger brother and sister and finding all the hidden little nests of plastic grass and candy.

I loved Easter in a new way when I studied Renaissance art history during my year abroad in Italy (where it is called Pasqua). The story is so powerful, wildly fantastical and profoundly hopeful.

Giotto's Resurrection

Giotto’s Resurrection

I love Easter now because of the children in our lives…

Easter with my niece '06

Easter with my niece ’06

Grandsons with the Easter Bunny today

Grandsons with the Easter Bunny today

and bearing witness to the cycles of life, death and new life on our little farm.

Society and her six chicks

Society and her six chicks

Wisteria in full bloom

Wisteria in full bloom

Pear blossoms

Pear blossoms

I hope you are having a wonderful celebration of spring and new life.

A few links to enjoy:

Henry Miller’s beautiful take on the mystery and meaning of life is here.

A short piece proving that gratitude is powerful.

Give yourself a treat and listen to Emmy Lou and Rodney.

A golden egg Easter menu.

A great take on sharing your passions with your children.

Flowers in support of marriage equality from Natalie Bowden Designs, a San Francisco florist.



2 responses to “Easter Sunday”

  1. avatar Julie says:

    Ligeia —

    Your photos are gorgeous, especially the first one taken in the vineyard with the clouds and hills in the background…wow! I think you should print it and enter it into a photo competition…great composition!!

    Happy Post-Easter,
    Julie (& Ed)

  2. avatar Ligeia Polidora says:

    Thanks Julie!! I’m trying!